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Get Started


First, install ko.


ko depends on the authentication configured in your Docker config (typically ~/.docker/config.json).

If you can push an image with docker push, you are already authenticated for ko!

Since ko doesn't require docker, ko login also provides a surface for logging in to a container image registry with a username and password, similar to docker login.

Additionally, even if auth is not configured in the Docker config, ko includes built-in support for authenticating to the following container registries using credentials configured in the environment:

Choose Destination

ko depends on an environment variable, KO_DOCKER_REPO, to identify where it should push images that it builds. Typically this will be a remote registry, e.g.:

  •, or
  •, or
  • KO_DOCKER_REPO=my-dockerhub-user

Build an Image

ko build ./cmd/app builds and pushes a container image, and prints the resulting image digest to stdout.

In this example, ./cmd/app must be a package main that defines func main().

$ ko build ./cmd/app

💡 Note: Prior to v0.10, the command was called ko publish -- this is equivalent to ko build, and both commands will work and do the same thing.

The executable binary that was built from ./cmd/app is available in the image at /ko-app/app -- the binary name matches the base import path name -- and that binary is the image's entrypoint.